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Established in 1932, Houghton Cycling Club is one of the north east's oldest cycling clubs. Currently boasting 100+ members, the group is ever-growing and solidifying their team spirit. From road cycling to virtually cycling, the club has something to offer all cycling enthusiasts.


Club rides

Club rides are designed to offer all members a variety of rides to choose from on a weekly basis, and help riders develop skills and push themselves as well as allowing to socialise with other members. 

There are midweek group rides at 9.30 on Tuesdays and Fridays meeting at Biddick Lane Washington NE38 8AF. these rides are done at a moderate - easy pace, these rides may split into two groups.

There are 3 different group rides heading out on Sundays, all meeting at Houghton Broadway DH4

At 10.00am there is an EASY paced ride from 20 - 30 miles, this is great for a first / introductory ride. 

At 9.30am there is a MODERATE paced ride. this may split into two groups depending on numbers.

At 9.00am there is a FASTER paced ride averaging between 15-18mpg, for the fitter and keener riders. 

Make sure to check our Facebook page prior to the event as any changes to timing or location will be posted there

Road cycling

Ready and raring to brave the roads? Our mapped out road routes are for you!


Tracks & Trails

Straying away from the road, the club offers track and trail rides for those striving for something different

Club Clothing

Anyone interested in buying club clothing, short sleeved road jersey shown on the right, please use the "contact us" page



For those wanting something closer to home, we have our Zwift team set up and ready to join! Regular group Zwift rides will be organised throughout the Winter period and extended periods of bad weather, with a regular Zwift ride on a Sunday 9:00-10:00am. Various routes will be used, and the rides will always be ‘waistbanded’, meaning all abilities will stay together throughout the ride.

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